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January Game 4: Pat vs. Stu

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

The Canoness gazed across the spaceport, a jumble of machinery and cargo as far as the eye could see. The chatter on the vox caster hinted at an unknown intruder covering the area in a cloud of flies and filth. Nurgle, she thought. "We shall send these foul abominations back from the Hells from whence they came!" she shouted to encourage her fellow sisters. Her troops were ready to launch a strike into the suspected area. The Mortifiers were ready to go in followed by the sister squads and backed up by the ranged support of Exorcists. "Let them feel our fury, our fire, our..." The enemy were upon them before they could react. Foul plague marines with hideous claw mutations ripped though metal and flesh alike. The Mortifiers fell first, with a single sister remaining fighting valiantly against the horde. The remains of the army had to fire enemies further away less they would hit their brave sister surrounded by these monstrosities. More sisters fell to bombardment of grenades that covered the ground with noxious vapours. The enemy charged and charged again, cutting down the finest daughters of the Emperor, 'til few were left.

Gorax Foulspew was pleased to have caught the enemy unaware. The speed of troops rushing across the battlefield was like a pimple bursting it's putrid ooze. The followers for the false emperor fell quickly to his troops. He could see the sisters beginning to rise again as poxwalkers, to serve the Grandfather as well. This planet would fall under Nurgle's loving embrace, spreading death and decay to every corner of this globe.


The Death Guard lost the initial roll off and were defenders, but managed to seize initiative. That combined with plenty melee troops meant they were in, destroying the Mortifiers and then tied in combat so they couldn't be shot. After a few rounds of hot dice, conga line buffing there wasn't much that could be done by the Sisters.

If initiative had not been seized, the Sisters could really have really gone to town on the Death Guard. We called it after round three but we probably should figured out VPs for the later battle rounds. Oh well, live and learn.

Stars of the show: The fully buffed up Possessed unit were an unstoppable force. They ripped through the sisters melee units and tied up ranged units.

Moment of the match: When Stu made a morale roll for a single remaining sister and got a 2. Hoping to fail he then rerolled but got 2 again. Tied in combat, the Possessed couldn’t be shot and in their next turn, charged again into ranged units.

FINAL SCORE: Pat 8 - Stu 3

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