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January Game 3: Shane vs. Neil


I built one of my league lists specifically to chew through power armour, but it’s almost identical to the list I took against Shane the only other time I played him at 40K, and that’s boring! “Avatar Brigade” is a fun list too, and hopefully has enough models/CPs to score well in the “Crusade” mission we were to play.

LOS-blocking terrain prevented me from concentrating my guns on a single unit in turn one, so I wasn’t able to achieve “First Strike”, but I was able to camp on three objectives early on. Meanwhile, the Wraithblades soaked up an disproportionate amount of firepower in the centre of the board while I gradually chipped away at Shane’s units on the flanks, the re-rolls from “Expert Crafters” taking their toll until I eventually wiped him out on my fourth turn.

Space-Elf-of-the-match could easily go to my Warlock (who successfully cast Protect/Jinx every turn), Wraithseer (who held my left flank against a brutal unit of Khorne Berzerkers for several turns) or indeed the Avatar (who killed Abbadon after three rounds of combat... and two regenerations with the 3CP “Avatar Resurgent” stratagem), but definitely not the winged Autarch (who I completely forgot to even deploy!).

Fun list, good game, great opponent! Looking forward now to my next league game against Jason’s Genestealers, and *maybe* playing Warmachine against Shane at some point in the future too. Cheers!

FINAL SCORE: Neil 16 - Shane 5

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